USAF™ cavitating ultrasonic transmitters now available in 115 volts - Ultramins


USAF™ cavitating ultrasonic transmitters now also available in 115 volts

More and more growers are discovering how they can easily render algae, fungi and viruses harmless in their water systems, namely by placing a USAF™ ultrasonic transmitter in places where water is stored, such as basins, silos and drain pits. At the request of growers, there is now also a 115-volt version. It will be delivered from the end of March 2023. With its USAF™ cavitating ultrasonic transmitters, Ultramins is making considerable headway.

"With our ultrasonic transmitters, algae and biofilm disappear from any basin in up to 30 days. In silos, we usually render all pathogens harmless with 6-10 hours of treatment i.c.w. an oxidising agent such as hydrogen peroxide."

The requests for a 115-volt version came mainly from the United States. "After extensive testing by USAF™, we now also have this version, which is high quality, available." Also on the 115-volt transmitters, Ultramins gives its regular 7-year usage warranty. "The operation of this new variant is similar to that of the well-known 230-volt version. The control of all pathogens in the (drain) water is therefore identical."

USAF™ cavitating ultrasonic transmitters now also available in 115 volts

ToBRFV and cucumber fur virus
The transmitters are also being used by growers in the fight against Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV). Ultramins also commissioned tests for this purpose to prove the transmitters' effectiveness against the dreaded virus. Ron Peters of Proeftuin Ron Peters, now FutureGrowing, conducted the tests.

During the test in 2021, the cultivation water was deliberately extremely polluted with ToBRFV, at levels never achieved by growers in practice. Unlike in much virus research, the choice was made to administer the virus to the plants via water, moreover in a very high dose. Ron said at the time: "As a result, we now know that the transmitters work well precisely because such high doses of ToBRFV do not occur in practice." Not a single Ct value below 32 was found. Kees Luijkx, the manufacturer of the USAF™ transmitters, added: "The ultrasonic shock wave breaks the virus in one blow. After that, a small amount of hydrogen peroxide ensures that what is broken stays broken."

USAF™ cavitating ultrasonic transmitters now also available in 115 volts
Application Ultramins transmitter in Canada

Cucumber fur virus (GCMMV), like ToBRFV, is also a Tobamovirus and can be rendered harmless in the cast water by using these ultrasonic transmitters, Robert stresses.

For more information:

USAF™ cavitating ultrasonic transmitters now also available in 115 volts
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